In exhaust affair at Audi, Audi boss Rupert Stadler and anor member of Board of Management of Volkswagen subsidiary, named after him, are now also being accused. Stadler has been accused since 30 May, Munich II Public Prosecutor’s Office shared with him. his apartment was searched on Monday. Audi shared with us: “We cooperate fully with Public Prosecutor’s office.” Volkswagen rejected an opinion on current investigation. The presumption of innocence still applies, said a spokesman.

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The prosecutor’s office puts Stadler and or accused fraud and indirect misdeeds to load. According to German Federal motor vehicle manufacturer, Autobuilder has brought at least 210,000 diesel vehicles with manipulated software for exhaust gas control to European and American market from 2009.

For two and a half years, Public Prosecutor’s office in Munich and Braunschweig has been investigating numerous defendants at Volkswagen and Audi in Diesel affair, which belongs to Volkswagen Group. At beginning of February, prosecutors had searched Audi headquarters in Ingolstadt and offices in Neckarsulm plant. A little later y searched private flats and in one case also work place of three or accused. According to Munich Public Prosecutor’s office, two of m are former members of board of Directors. In September, investigators took former head of Audi engine development and Porsche Development Board in custody. One of his former employees had been released after several months of pre-trial detention in November 2017.

On 15 March, during annual press conference, prosecutor had also searched corporate headquarters. At that time it was about 80,000 cars sold in USA. After recalling motor vehicle Federal office for 127,000 cars sold in Europe with manipulated software, investigation had been extended.

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Stadler himself had always denied accusations of manipulation. At beginning of May, however, he admitted serious mistakes. “The work error in one of our specialist departments is serious. But it is not a new manipulation software, “said Stadler at general meeting in Ingolstadt. It had been omitted to remove a software module for motor control with A6 and A7 models now running out. Audi informed Federal Motor Vehicle office and stopped delivery of models. The software update for affected 60,000 cars is ready, furr approach depends on forthcoming consultation of KBA.

The number of defendants in investigation process has increased to 20, according to prosecutor’s office.