After two days of flight, astronaut Alexander Barley is on schedule with DerSojus capsule docked at International Space Station (ISS). After a pressure compensation connection hatch for ISS should be opened between 17.05 pm and 17.35 PM CEST, Flugleitzentralebei Moscow shared.

Gerstwar started on Wednesday with a Soyuz rocket from Russian WeltraumbahnhofBaikonur in Kazakhstan. Liveübertragungenvom start astronaut’s already zweitenMission have been persecuted by numerous people. Toger with barley, Russian Sergei Prokopjew and US-American Serena Auñón-Chancellor arrive at Detore. The flight with Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft had been scheduled for two days.

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Before his departure, Barley had said what he would be after arriving at ISSmachen: “We embrace our friends, whom we have seen many Monatenicht.” Currently, station two biologists US astronauts Andrew Feustel and Richard Arnold, as well as DerRusse Oleg Artjemjew, who have been in space since March.

After arrival, a safety briefing will be on-and body care. “I’m going to be very happy about it after two days in Soyuz,” barley had said before his farewell in Baikonur. It is also time to set up a home with your sleeping bags. “We bring you into our rooms and make us a little bit beautiful.”

Gerstwird spend a total of six months on ISS and will be involved in many scientific experiments. Of se reasonable research projects 67 from Europe, 41aus Germany in turn. In addition, astronaut will temporarily hold command on ISS.