After violent death of 14-year-old Susanna F. From Mainz, several politicians have called for clarification as to how suspects, despite ambiguity about his identity, was apparently able to move to his homeland Iraq. SPD Bundestag Group managing director Carsten Schneider told newspaper Bild that “it must be quickly clarified how suspects escaped and how it could be brought to justice in Germany as quickly as possible.”

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CDU Interior politician Armin Schuster said to new Osnabrücker Zeitung, question arises as to why suspects, who had already appeared in police force, “was not in custody for a long time.” The CDU chairman in Internal Affairs Committee of Bundestag demanded that prosecutors and courts should “exploit” legal framework “offensively”.

The internal political spokesman of SPD Bundestag group, Burkhard Lischka, said picture, federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) had to “ensure that existing control mechanisms for entry and exit are also used”. With “Such dubious papers” as in case of suspects “and in view of destination, federal police could have noticed with a simple fingerprint comparison that re is a criminal on run”.

Also SPD politician Karl Lauterbach said picture that it must be “quickly clarified, why a suspect can rise on plane, although his identity is not clear”. The German authorities would have to “do everything in order for man to be extradited and brought back to Germany”. The deed must “not stay unpunished”. Similarly, green politician, Omid Nouripour, expressed himself. The man must be extradited, ” process must be made here,” he demanded in picture.

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The FDP politician Alexander Graf Lambsdorff said to paper: “This is typical of our German security authorities. There are just too many gaps in this system. ” That was “long-time responsibility of CDU”.

The reported missing two weeks ago Susanna had been raped and killed. This was announced by investigators in Wiesbaden on Thursday. Initially, two suspected perpetrators were mentioned. However, a 35-year-old who was initially arrested was released on Thursday evening.

The or suspect is 20-year-old Iraqi, who in early June, with his family from Düsseldorf, should have left for Istanbul and from re furr to Erbil in norrn Iraq. According to police, airline tickets were issued on or names. Accordingly, a comparison with names on residence permits did not take place.