From today, Turks living abroad can vote for parliamentary undPräsidentschaftswahlen. According to Turkish Electoral Commission, Runddrei million voters are registered abroad, almost half of m live in Germany. As Turkish consulate generals have said, DieWahllokale will be open until 19 June – a postal vote is not possible. In Turkey, elections will be held on 24 June. As more than five percent of Turkish voters live abroad, ir voices can wahlentscheidendsein.

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In April, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that it was initially preferable for 2019vorgesehen elections to June 24. In total, DenParlamentswahlen eight parties, six candidates, including Erdoğan, Tretenbei presidential election. Currently, no candidate in polls has Dieabsolute majority vote, which is why a runoff may be späternotwendig two weeks. This would n take place on July 8th, Vom30 abroad. June to July 4th.

Çavuşoğlu expects similar support to constitutional referendum

In an election campaign Imsüdwesttürkischen Muğla, Erdoğan has Unterstützunggebeten Turks living abroad. “In Europe, with God’s help, also brings urns to a burst,” Erdoğan said. “The signal you send from re will, God willing, merge with voices of your brethren in Turkey. and 24th Juniwird will be unique. “

The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu expects a similar result in Germany as in constitutional referendum in VergangenenJahr. In vote on introduction of presidential system aspired by Erdoğan, Germany had more than 63 percent of votes on president’s camp – much more than in Türkeiselbst.

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According to experts, among Turks living in Germany re is a geprägteStimmung of uncertainty and mistrust. According to Nordrhein-Westfalen’s integration Secretary Serap Güler (CDU) There is a great fear of speaking openly about politics. Osman Okkan VomKulturForum TürkeiDeutschlandsprach of “crouching mood” and widespread concern preconception.

After last year’s fierce controversy over campaign appearances of Turkish ministers in Germany and or EU countries, Germany, Nerlands and Austria have banned Turkish politicians ‘ appearances in principle. Erdoğan himself only joined AM20. In May, before thousands of foreign Turks in Sarajevo, renounced Ansonstenauf election campaign abroad.