We all know how frustrating and annoying it can be to have those tiny rodents sneaking in and running all over the place. To most of us, it’s just a matter of handling those pesky invaders and removing them from our homes. What most of us don’t know or realize is just how unhealthy and dangerous it can be having them around. Rodents of all types carry numerous health risks and bring them right into our homes, contaminating every surface and area they get into and trust me, it doesn’t take much for a mouse to sneak its way into our homes.  

On Your Own?

Our first instinct when seeing a rodent scurry across from us is to either grab a slipper or a broom and get to smacking. Typically, if you think a mouse or rat may have just snuck its way in, you can try and deal with the situation on your own by setting up a few traps around areas where they might be most active, like the kitchen or living room. Many stores offer mouse traps for this very situations. Here’s the trap I use: the Ankace mouse trap. It’s an easy and safe mouse trap which is also reusable so you don’t have to throw it away after the first use. It also efficiently deals with those pesky crawlers and it’s very easy to set up.  

If you’ve been dealing with a certain rodent for a few weeks and can’t seem to get rid of it, it might be time to call an exterminator because it’s a clear sign of a full-blown invasion. Mice might’ve bred and multiplied which is why you can’t seem to get rid of them. Good Exterminators will not only remove the rodents from your home but will also clean up right after to make sure everything is safe.

It Doesn’t Take Much

Rodents like mice or rats manage to find their way into dark and “safe” places, building up nests and multiplying right under our noses which can quickly lead to a heavy infestation right where we sleep. Typically, we usually just think that one or two of those tiny critters are running around, whether it’s by seeing them run across the house or scurry through the walls at night but keep in mind that mice and rats breed and multiply in enormous amounts, especially if they’re happy with the home they’ve invaded and decide to make a stay out of it.  

Mice, as adorable as they might be, host and carry several harmful diseases, viruses, bacteria and more through their droppings or urine which can build up to more potentially lethal or harmful issues overtime. The CDC says that heavy or prolonged exposure to rodent droppings through breathing dust or other particles can lead to LCM, or Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, which is a virus associated with rodents. A few of its symptoms are a sense of nausea, fevers and more which can lead to even more dangerous neurological damage and disease if left untreated.  

As long as you’re quick enough and calm about it, dealing with invading rodents is as easy and swift as it can be.