Have you been struggling to find the perfect location for your company? Look no farther than Aljada. Conveniently located in Sharjah, Aljada could be the perfect place to open up your company’s headquarters or to launch a new business venture. This community offers an assortment of benefits to businesses large and small. These features are designed to improve your experience as a business owner and community member. Whether you’re opening a small company or a large corporation, you’re certain to love Sharjah as the headquarters for your organization. Here’s why.

1. Convenient Access

One of the primary reasons to opt for an Aljada office for your business is its easy access to local transportation, as well as the nearby international airport. If you’re planning to have business associates visit or you’ll be doing any sort of shipping, having access to local and international transportation is essential. Aljada is conveniently located with many options for getting around Sharjah. When you invite international colleagues to visit your new business, you won’t have to stress about helping them find transportation. Sharjah offers many convenient transportation options for travelers and local expats both. 

2. Eco-friendly Options

Sustainability is one of the key features of Aljada. As a citizen of the world, you understand just how vital caring for the planet truly is. So does Aljada. In this community, eco-friendly options for buildings and energy are very important. Aljada also places a large emphasis on recycling water and reducing overall waste. This community has a large focus on developing gardens and parks, as well as preserving local plants and wildlife. Your eco-friendly company will love just how energy-minded this community is in creating a beautiful Sharjah of tomorrow. 

3. Incredible Community Experiences

One of the most important aspects of launching a business is engaging in local community sales and experiences. Aljada’s Central Hub features theaters, parks, restaurants, health centers, educational options, and recreational choices for community members. As a business owner, you’ll love being able to join in the fun at Central Hub. Engaging with community members is an essential part of developing your business organization, so don’t underestimate just how valuable participating in local activities and events is when you become a part of the business community in Sharjah. 

Ready to launch your business in Sharjah? There’s no better time to start than now. Aljada’s Business Park offers all the amenities your business needs to succeed, including convenient access to transportation and international shipping, an eco-friendly environment with an emphasis on sustainability, and an incredible community designed to help you connect with the world around you. What are you waiting for? Visit Aljada today.