The Commission’s occupation for planning of coal exit is clearly clear. According to media reports, federal cabinet will decide to set up Commission on Wednesday. The first meeting of a total of 31 members is refore already planned for 26 June.

The Commission is composed of representatives of environmental associations, trade unions, business and science. The Commission will be headed by four Chairmen Ronald Pofalla, former prime Minister of Brandenburg and Saxony, Matthias Platzeck (SPD) and Stanislaw Tillich (CDU), and economist Barbara Praetorius. The latest participant is AFP information according to former CSU federal minister Gerda Hasselfeldt, currently president of German Red Cross.

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Three members of Parliament are to belong to panel: Andreas Lämmel (CDU), Andreas Lenz (CSU) and Matthias Miersch (SPD). Representatives of opposition are not represented.

The Greens chairman Annalena Baerbock criticized planned composition of Coal Commission. “The Commission can only be successful if it is widely supported by a wide variety of actors. It is refore inexplicable that Parliament is so disobeyed at this point, “said Baerbock of Rhenish post. The Bundestag consists of more than two factions.

Plan to be up to end of year

In addition to phasing out of coal stream and climate protection issues, panel should also deal with structural change in coal regions. There are still thousands of jobs in this sector in East Germany and North Rhine-Westphalia. First results will be provided by expert panel by autumn. The federal government is responsible for ministries of Economy, Environment, work and home affairs.

From point of view of federal government’s Ostbeauftragten, Christian Shepherd, panel should focus on consequences for affected regions, such as Lusatia or central German coal area. In second step, Commission could reflect on how coal is going.

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Time is pressing: The coal Commission is to present a plan for phasing out coal-fired electricity by end of year. The establishment has been delayed – cabinet should actually deal with it last week, but postponed item on agenda.