A few weeks before planned summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and US president Donald Trump, North Korea apparently has reoccupied three major leadership posts in its army. Dasberichtete The South Korean news agency Yonhap in appeal aufGeheimdienstkreise. The three persons SeienVerteidigungsminister Pak Yong Sik, chief of Staff Ri Myong Susowie Kim Jong Gak, director of general PolitischenBüros of Army. Defense minister is now no Kwang Chol, chief of Staff Ri Myong su and Kim Su Gil new director of Politburo, reported Yonhap citing North Korean claims.

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A spokesman for South Korean Ministry of Union said that discontinuation of three supreme military was unusual, should it be confirmed. US officials assume that in North Korean army ZuMeinungsverschiedenheiten has come across course of head of state Kim Jong Un in relation to South Korea and United States. According to reports, Neubesetzungenmöglichen resistance veteran military should avoid sudden changes in DerAtompolitik of country. According to South Korean secret services, new defense Minister No Kwang Chol is considered “moderate”.

Party wants to strengn control over army

According to scientists from organization NKLeadership Watch, North Korean State party wants to strengn its control over people’s army with change to DerSpitze of military politburo. According to this, new director of military Politburo Kim Su Gil is a very close confidant of Kim Jong-un. The military in North Korea has a strong influence and forms its own center of power. Dieszeigt is that in important events, Kim is not only vonZivilisten, but also flanked by generals.

Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump want to meet at a summit in Singapore on June 12th, which will be about Dasnordkoreanische nuclear and missile program. It was only on Friday that US PräsidentTrump announced that interim summit would now take place. According to US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, a “SteinigerWeg” would be allerdingsnoch up to summit.

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Mattiswar met on Sunday with his colleagues from Japan and South Korea ZurSicherheitskonferenz Shangri-La Dialogue. Dortsagte The South Korean Defense Minister Song Young Moo, he sees DemTreffen from Trump and Kim “cautiously optimistic”.

However, pressure on North Korea will only be eased if country überprüfbare and irreversible steps towards nuclear disarmament. Dieu resolutions on North Korea WÜRDENZUNÄCHST remain in force.