The Bavarian provincial government is striving for its own reforms in asylum policy. The asylum plans, which will be decided in cabinet according to information from Bavarian radio station on Tuesday, foresee, for example, ir own flights for rejected asylum seekers in smaller machines. “This means that deportation can be organized much more effectively and purposefully,” said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) to Munich Mercury.

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Deportations are responsibility of Länder. You decide who is eligible to return to your home country. However, federal government and Länder are jointly responsible for organising flights that are accompanied by federal police officers. The federal interior minister is Söders party colleague, former Bavarian minister-president Horst Seehofer.

According to report, Bavaria wants to train additional Bavarian policemen for deportations. In addition, already announced third deportation pretrial is to be built in Hof. In this Söder, apart from Gefährdern, wants to accommodate those who evade deportation. “We want to increase pressure of deportation altoger,” said CSU politician. And thus “become a role model for or states”.

Smart card for asylum seekers

The focus of planning is on so-called anchor centres. In some federal states re is resistance to se institutions where asylum seekers are to be accommodated from arrival to decision on ir future. Bavaria is planning such a centre in every government district. According to Söder, no new facilities are to be created, but existing ones will be restructured.

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According to report, re should be no pocket money in centres, but only material resources. “When people know from outset that y have no prospect of asylum, y also do not have to pay m incentives in form of an asylum salary,” Söder said.

According to BR, all asylum seekers should be equipped with a smart card to buy food or clothing. The abolition of general prohibition of work is refore not planned, but instead, asylum seekers are to be charitable – plan is about 5,000 work opportunities. The measures are to enter into force on 1 August following adoption of Cabinet.