SPD-ChefinAndrea Nahles supports proposal of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to strengn European monetary Union. “I am sehrerfreut, se are all new sounds,” said Nahles in ARD broadcast report Berlin. Nahles praised above all that Merkel supported einenInvestitionshaushalt for eurozone. So far, Union has always been called ‘ austerity ‘, and now it is capital of budget.

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“We that we are working with French to move Europe forward”, sagteNahles with a view to reform plans of French President Emmanuel Macron. Structural reforms are necessary to zuüberwinden large economic differences. In addition, banks would have to hold a stronger capital reserve so that, as in financial crisis, states and taxpayers would not be empty when banks disobeyed.

Merkelhatte in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntag newspaper proposed an investment budget for Eurozoneeinzuführen. DiesesBudget should be in “lower double-digit billion range”. Zugleichsprach, you are in favour of rebuilding ESM euro bailout fund into a European Monetary Fund that could support euro-states in distress with aid of credit lines.

“Endlichgibt’s sounds from chancellor’s office – was also time,” commented DieSprecherin of Greens for European politics, Franziska Brantner, ÄußerungenMerkels. But a common monetary union is more than NurWettbewerbsfähigkeit: “It is also about social cohesion, and dazuschweigt it.”

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In ARD interview, Nahles emphasized that SPD rejected a Untersuchungsausschusszur asylum affair in Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). ” I do not see a committee of inquiry at this stage fürnotwendig. ” Until establishment of such a body, it is Wochen.Es that it should be clarified very quickly. Therefore, internal Committee of Bundestag is right way. “We all knew that Bamfüberhaupt was not set up to be able to wirklichbearbeiten this mass of refugees,” Nahles said.

From point of view of new party leaders, DieSPD must sharpen ir social profile: “I want SPD to again become force for solidarischenZusammenhalt of our country. We need an idea of social statehood, as it should look like in year 2025 in Germany. ” At Einerzweitägigen meeting of Bundestag group, which began on Sunday, Willdie SPD is seeking ways out of its crisis. The party has initiated a process of renewal after its debacle at DerBundestagswahl. It came last ImARD-“Germany trend” only to 17 percent.