Syrians have more time to prove to authorities what ir possessions are. According to international criticism, in a controversial law, Syrian government has diverted expropriation of house and landowners. The deadlines for proof of ownership were extended from 30 days to one year, as Foreign Minister Walid Muallim told journalists in Damascus.

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The so-called Decree 10, which entered into force in April, allows government to write out urban areas in which owners can be expropriated. In return, state receives shares in new real estate project.

Such regulations are common worldwide for development of neglected or destroyed areas, but it is feared that implementation of law in Syria will lead to considerable abuse. Experts warn that decree can cost ten million displaced persons ir homes, houses and land, as y have little opportunity to assert ir claims in time.

Some critics of Syrian government even speak of factual ethnic cleansing. Similarly, in 1990s Serbs and Croats in Balkans would have made return of displaced people impossible. In Syria, under rule of Shia Alawi Bashar al-Assad, it could be mainly Sunnis and among m opponents of regime.

The federal government had warned against expropriation of fleeing Syrians and, among or things, asked United Nations and Russia to exert pressure on Syrian regime.