Of refugees who had been coming to Germany from war and crisis countries since 2015, one in four has now found work. This results in figures from Institute for Labour Market and Vocational Research (IAB), which is reported by Rheinische Post. Accordingly, about one in five of group of war and crisis refugees is also subject to social security.

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“If employment growth continues in this way, half of immigrants will have a job after five years,” said Herbert Brücker, head of IAB Research Area migration, newspaper. According to his estimates, until end of year 8,500 to 10,000 more refugees are likely to find a job.

According to an evaluation by Federal Employment Agency, which newspaper reports, Pakistani most often managed to find employment in Germany. Thus, in February 2018, about 40 percent of Pakistani immigrants had a job. The quota is also high for migrants from Nigeria and Iran. Of refugees from Syria, who made most of asylum applications, one in five made it to labour market.

In 2015 alone, around 890,000 migrants came to Germany largely uncontrollably. 2016, number of asylum seekers decreased to about 280,000, last year it was only just under 187,000.