When applications were stowed in middle of 2016 in Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), authority decided to use temporary workers as well. About 100 employees should sort out asylum applications so that decisions can be taken more quickly. That’s what World newspaper says.

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Thus, project started under name Paula – an abbreviation of project: Analysis of Unbeschiedener asylum procedures for steering workload – in July 2016, in order to process n open 500,000 applications.

The temporary workers also apparently had access to sensitive personal data and electronic system for processing asylum applications, Maris. The federal government had still responded to a parliamentary request from Left Party: externals have no access to asylum system for data protection reasons. According to report of newspaper, many of employees employed should not have been sufficiently qualified. Moreover, ir work should not have been verified.

Initially, bamf tried to occupy Paula project internally, and later also with employees from or authorities, including Bundeswehr. The project was initiated by n chief Frank-Jürgen manner. The acting chief Jutta Cordt first continued. The project is now finished.

For political reworking of scandal re will be anor special meeting of Bundestag’s internal affairs committee, probably in two weeks. To this end, Greens want to invite former Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière and former chief. However, both can refuse an invitation. Participation in Committee is voluntary.

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An auditor is currently investigating where 8.5 million euros have landed, which Bremen Flüchtlingsamt had transferred to foreign offices. A spokeswoman for Federal ministry said that it was by no means certain that this money was unlawfully drained. To exclude this, however, federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) ordered to check se booking procedures.