Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis has been instructed by Constitutional Court to dismiss country’s leading Antikorruptionsstaatsanwältin, Laura Codruţa Kövesi. The Supreme Court of country decided, with six to three judges, that re had been a conflict between institutions in that case. Iohannis had to sign decree of Ministry of Justice to dismiss Kövesis.

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In February, Justice Minister Tudorel Kövesis called for deregulation. She had exceeded her competences: by her criticism of reform of judiciary, she harmed Romania’s prestige and violated constitution. However, President Iohannis rejected proposal and referred to a personal interest of Minister of Justice. Subsequently, government turned to Constitutional Court to have Iohannis ‘ decision checked.

Tovein praised present court decision. President Iohannis did not “have legal capacity to judge professional and managerial competencies of senior prosecutors,” he said. The court looked similar to this: Iohannis was in area of “no judgement”, it was said in judgment.

However, President in Romania is entitled to take final decision in such a case. The full verdict will be published at a later date. It is not possible to appeal. President Iohannis had announced before verdict that he wanted to wait for justification, read it and n decide – regardless of what court decides.

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Kövesi and her work are highly valued by many Romanians, EU and USA. Since she has been in office, her investigators have brought two former prime ministers, two deputy premier, eleven acting and former ministers, 50 deputies, and a number of local mayors to court. Kövesis supporters believe that thrust against m is related to ir corruption investigations against members of social leadership class.

The measures in judiciary, adopted by Parliament and promoted by social-democratic head of government Viorica Dăncilă, provide, among or things, that Antikorruptionsbehörde will no longer be able to identify against administrative officials. The control of Ministry of Justice on Public prosecutors is to be extended. The project was criticized by opposition, but also by European Union. A petition on internet for Kövesis whereabouts in office signed more than 108,000 people.