After severe storms in North Rhine-Westphalia, police and fire brigades are still in use in many places. Almost 550 firefighters were employed in Wuppertal, among or things, to pump basement empty and to clear roads, said a spokesman for Wuppertal fire Brigade.

On Tuesday, numerous roads, cellars and buildings in North Rhine-Westphalia were flooded by heavy rain. In places, as much rain fell as usual in a whole month. There was considerable damage in Wuppertal area. Flooding also occurred in Lower Saxony, Hesse and Bavaria.

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In Wuppertal, masses of water ran into houses and shops on Tuesday and, according to city, caused considerable damage. The roof of a university building collapsed, in city center a gas station roof bent away and damaged several cars.

1/6 after storm in Wuppertal: The roof of a petrol station has collapsed. © Holger Battefeld/dpa 2/6 a shopping street is flooded after heavy rain. © Claudia Otte/dpa 3/6 roof at university reel is TE Ilweise collapsed. © Claudia Otte/dpa 4/6 in a pedestrian zone in Wuppertal, water is tipped out of a gu Lly. © Claudia Otte/dpa 5/6 cars stayed due to floods. © Michael Bad/dpa 6/6 also in Duisburg re was Überschwemmugen: a man F Ährt on stepping-board of an ambulance over a flooded road. © Marcel Kush/DPA Ein Bild zur252;ck Ein Bild vor

There were also heavy rainfalls on Tuesday in Aachen. There, fire brigade registered several hundred emergency calls in late afternoon. In basement of a shopping centre, water was about one and a half meters high according to city information.

In Oberhausen in Ruhr area, a woman was injured by a lightning strike. According to fire brigade, it was kept in open air when lightning struck near. She was not hit directly, but n came to hospital.

In norrn and central Hesse, heavy rainfall also caused damage. In Marburg a shopping centre had to be evacuated.

No relaxation in sight

The South was particularly affected in Lower Saxony. In Bad Gandersheim in district of Norim, heavy rain caused flooded roads. “Everything that is available is in use,” said a police spokesman.

Even in parts of Bavaria re were storms. Especially in Lower Franconia, firefighters had to move out to pump up full-run cellars. The main application was district of Schweinfurt. Hundreds of emergency calls were received, a spokesman for Bavarian Red Cross said. There were also numerous storm-related missions in Upper Palatinate.

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For this Wednesday German wear Service (DWD) did not give a warning. “There is no relaxation in sight,” said a spokesman. From northwest to east and souast, and locally in southwest, re will be some strong showers and thunderstorms. “It will crash again,” said spokesman.