Have anti-Semitic attacks in Europe increased since immigration from Middle East and North Africa has increased? This question was discussed most recently – especially whenever re was a report of hostile attacks on Jews. In addition, re have been several authors and politicians who formulated this context in recent past. As a result, for example, Central Council of Jews in April issued a warning that y should not wear tippa in public.

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But what about suspicion? The Remembrance, responsibility and future Foundation has investigated wher re is indeed a link between antisemitism in Europe’s societies and increased number of migrants. Scientists from Germany, France, Great Britain, Nerlands and Belgium investigated different data from five countries and came to clear conclusion that re was no increase in anti-Semitic attacks. “Antisemitism is a problem that stems from majority population and does not stem exclusively or even predominantly from minorities,” study states.

For ir investigation, scientists evaluated data since 2011. The basis was, among or things, opinion polls, data from non-governmental organisations, Governments as well as non-governmental agencies, research papers, media reports and own surveys, which were collected and evaluated. The number of anti-Semitic incidents and crimes was also included in analysis.

The results are similar to those of report on Antisemitism in 2016 issued by Israeli Ministry of Diplomacy and diaspora. It was also mentioned that “immigrants from Muslim countries are not causing an increase in antisemitism.” Recently, Federal Ministry for Germany also confirmed that number of anti-Semitic acts 2017 has decreased compared to previous year, albeit only slightly. However, statistic is in criticism because a high figure is suspected.

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In now published study antisemitism and immigration in today’s western Europe – is re a connection? However, it is also found that anti-Semitic attitudes among Muslim minorities are more widespread than in general population. However, with regard to Federal Republic, it is equally important to note that “anti-Semitic attitudes do not appear to be a general characteristic of Muslims in Germany, but only occur in a minority”.

The sociology professor Marco Martiniello, who participated in study, told Belgian newspaper Le Soir that migrants from countries with so-called “historical antisemitism” would only bring m to host country in exceptional cases. The migrants are “too busy building ir new life”. Often y would have no opinion of Jewish communities or would simply know nothing of ir existence.

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The study also shows that re are clear warnings of anti-Semitism by migrants in five countries studied. In Nerlands, for example, politicians from several parties would have suggested that migrants from North Africa and Middle East might be bringing anti-Semitism into country. In Germany, too, ” idea that refugees from Muslim-dominated countries bring anti-Semitism to Germany is controversial but also widespread”, writes authors. In France, in turn, concerns focused more on ” resident and French-born Muslim population than current immigrants and refugees”.

The evaluation of national studies has also shown that “anti-Semitic attitudes and actions continue to be disproportionately present among people who support right-wing extremist and right-wing populist political movements”, writes Authors. There is also a ‘ clear relationship ‘ between number of anti-Semitic incidents recorded and ‘ significant events in conflict between Israel and Palestinians ‘.