In affair about unlawful asylum decisions, SPD demands that Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) turn on. “Merkel is pushing her own responsibility. She is silent, does nothing and wants to bamf loss of control, said SPD vice-chairman Ralf Steger of world because of affair in Bremen branch of Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). “The Chancellor must now finally make sure that it is enlightened – and she must finally enlighten herself.”

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In 2015, when number of refugees had risen rapidly, Merkel had specifically brought responsibility to Chancellery: She made her Chancellor chief, today’s economic minister Peter Altmaier, refugee coordinator.

In years 2015/2016, when most refugees came to Germany, Frank-Jürgen had led authority. The total Staff Council now raised serious accusations against him. Under leadership of Mr Wise, bamf was trimmed to market-economy benchmarks. The basic right to asylum was decided as on assembly line, “said Rudolf Scheinost to newspapers of Funke Media Group. Now we are paying bill for this government policy with many court rulings against decisions and breakdowns, errors and irregularities in field offices.

defended his actions. The irregularities in Bremen were “in essence due to personal misconduct” and “probably to falsely understood humanity”. Such faults could have happened “even without rebuilding authority and Rush”. Without “a massive acceleration with risk that inexperienced employees and interpreters can also make mistakes”, but today, hundreds of thousands of asylum procedures would still be unprocessed, he argued.

According to prosecutor’s office, Bremen branch, which is at centre of affair, is suspected to have granted asylum to at least 1,200 people between 2013 and 2016 – apparently especially many of Yazidi that is persecuted. But could also have endangered uncontrollably in country. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and protection of Constitution were included in investigation. Because of accusations in Parliament, FDP wants to apply for a review of all asylum decisions between 2014 and 2017 from Flüchtlingsamt to external auditors. “The authority should not be able to control itself in this case,” said interior expert Linda Teuteberg of Bild newspaper.

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Horst Seehofer (CSU), who is responsible for federal Flüchtlingsamt as Minister for Interior, once again announced full clarification and consequences, but left open wher head of government, Jutta Cordt, had made mistakes that could lead to her detachment.

His state secretary Stephan Mayer (CSU) defended decision not to have informed Seehofer of accusations in Bremen asylum scandal before his visit to federal Flüchtlingsamt on 6 April. “It was important to me to get to bottom of se accusations or se rumors that were at time,” Mayer said in ARD broadcast Anne will.

On April 4, he received a report from new and now receded head of Bremen branch, Josefa Schmid, on a nearly 100-page. Between transmission of report and visit of Horst Seehofer and me at bamf in Nuremberg, only a little more than 24 hours were. He did not want to examine report until he confronted minister. Schmid’s report is seriously. But 90 percent of notes that appear in this report have been known to bamf for a long time.

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The Lower Saxon interior Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) pleaded for a new personnel policy in bamf. In view of many temporary decision-makers he said in report from Berlin, approach was “almost grotesque. That is why it would be right to terminate Treaties here, with good people, with trained, who are travelling through work. And to increase staff. “

Two employees of bamf raised serious accusations against ir authority in ARD programme. They reported significant shortcomings in intake of non-professional persons: se were only briefly and schematically acquainted with law on Foreigners and Asylum Procedure Act. Instead of lawyers or lawyers, “sociologists, archaeologists and educators” were hired, “staff that was completely inappropriate,” said one of two. There is also a massive working pressure. In order to avoid anger and more work, some staff would rar take asylum applications instead of rejecting m.