DieAfD demonstrates this Sunday at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin – and TausendeMenschen want to protest against it. Parties, left-wing groups and clubs Habenzu called against demonstrations. Because some left radical groups Blockadenankündigten, police will be using a large contingent of 2,000 officials.

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The AfD expects a few thousand participants. Under motto “Zukunftfür Deutschland” you want to move from 12 o’clock to main station ZumBrandenburger Tor. DerAfD chairman Jörg Meun and Alexander Gaula as well as ir executive board member Beatrix von Storch are scheduled to speak re at about 3pm. They are expected to werdensich against “mass migration”, Dievermeintliche criticize border opening by Chancellor Angela Merkel 2015, high national debt and low interest rate of European Central Bank, which is retirement provision of many citizens Jeopardise.

Habeck wants to talk to AfD opponents

Diezentrale Rally AfD opponent is planned from 11 o’clock on square of Republikvor Reichstag building. To organizers heard alliance stops hatred – stops DieAfD. The event is supported by trade unions and AnderenParteien. Announced Pastitis among ors party leader of Greens, Robert Habeck.

BerlinerClubs also attract 30 music cars and a Partydemo over street DES17. June towards Brandenburg Gate. 15,000 participants were registered. In parallel, demonstrators want to drive boats and rafts on Spreeins government district.

Kramp-cart Builder: AfD brings “anti-Semitism to parliaments”

Meanwhile, CDU-GeneralsekretärinAnnegret Kramp-cart builder accused AfD of bringing “anti-Semitism in DieParlamente”. “Old Nazis, Neo Nazis and right-wing populists. They see people not in his dignity as an individual. These people are eineBedrohung for Jewish life in Germany, “wrote Kramp-cart builder in a guest post for picture on Sunday. The “Rat Catcher” of AfD Würdenzwar promise to protect Jewish life in Germany. Allerdingsgebe it in party “at all corners and ends antisemitism”.

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Kramp cart Builder also condemned boycott calls against Israel from left UndLinksextremen and called for a tougher approach to anti-Semitic incidents. ” Antisemitism is preached in mosques, runs over Fernsehbildschirmeund YouTube clips and is lived on school farms. If we have looked very little at this problem in Vergangenheitzu, we will tunmüssen it more strongly. Those who come, and those who are here. “