According to aid organization, human traffickers in Libya have shot at least 15 migrants fleeing ir captivity. Many more were injured near town of Bani Walid in northwest of country, organization shared with. The hostage-taker would have tried to catch migrants again. They would also have shot, shared with Doctors Without Borders. The hospital re said that about 20 people were in treatment for injuries caused by torture.

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More than 100 people had previously broken out of a secret prison camp, shared with Doctors Without Borders. The survivors were mainly teenagers who, according to data, were mainly from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. According to Doctors Without Borders, some reported that y had been trapped for up to three years. In area around Bani Walid and nearby town of Nesma, y were sold several times. Many of m, according to organization, had visible scars, burn marks, and infected wounds. Up to 40 people, especially women, were left behind in prison.

Many migrants end up in detention centres

Libya is a transit country for refugees from or African countries, mainly from Guinea, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Gambia. Many emigrants take ir way through desert, as Siehoffen to be brought to Italy by smugglers over Mediterranean route. It is believed that many refugees are also dying in Sahara. Whoever manages to do so, however, usually strands in Libya for a while and is housed re in detention centres.

According to a local responsible, re are about 20 illegal camps in region where refugees are detained by smugglers. They keep people trapped to blackmail ransoms from ir families.

Libyen: In Bani Walid, more than 100 Menschen who were kidnapped and detained were able to escape. In attempt to escape, re have been deaths and injuries. We did Med. Help. About 40 are still in captivity, so survivors.

— Médecins sans Frontières (@msf_de) 25 May 2018

Since fall of Libya’s leader Muammar al-Gaddafi 2011, chaos reigns in North African country. In large parts, armed militias have say. Some of m are active in lucrative business of smuggling of refugees who want to reach Europe via Mediterranean Sea. Again and again, re are harrowing reports of serious abuse of se people.