Technology is amazing, and its advantages are everywhere. The progress that has been happening on this industry is beyond incredible. No one thought that we would have touchscreen smartphones that can search a recipe in seconds, or even machines that help doctors to remove cancer without major surgery. Nowadays, it’s more than common for people to have 3D pens and printers, that can do a lot.

Self-Driving Cars

Cars that don’t need anyone to drive them to reach a certain place are now something real, but still are being tested around the world. Uber is one of the companies that has been doing that, and Google too. This is highly innovative and very recent, and still isn’t being accepted everywhere. Uber was the first company to announce the intentions of developing automatic cars, during February in 2015. From there, Uber has reached their goal, and developed a self-driving car.

3D Printing

3D printing is something very common and with a 3D printer you can print you can print many things, whether small or big. It depends on the printer you have at home. This has changed a lot of things, because there are a lot of possibilities available and 3D printing can even save someone’s life, because it can literally print a heart or another human organ, using the cells of the person. This is extremely important, since there are incredible ways to work with these printers. 3D printing has also been used in aerospace industry, to print small pieces that are used in the daily life of astronauts or pilots.

Metallic Hydrogen

Scientist managed to create metallic hydrogen. This was possible by applying nearly 5 million atmospheres of pressure to liquid hydrogen. It’s the first time that there’s a metallic state of hydrogen on Earth. This could really change many industries in the world, especially when it comes to energy storage and also rocketry. This is incredible and was definitely unexpected. With this many more things could unfold.

Genes Edit Inside the Body

On June 2017 there was an incredible breakthrough. Scientists could, from then on, use CRISPR (which is the best and also the most-accessible gene-editing technique) inside a human body for the first time. There was a human trial that had the goal of removing HPV from the human body when a gel was applied. This gel had the DNA code needed in order to disable the tumor growth mechanism on the person’s body. This can be used in many ways, and it means many lifes could be saved with this gene-editing technique.

Online casinos

Online casinos are an incredible progress, since it’s possible to access many casino games through the internet, without having to download anything. Because the most played game on any of these casinos are slots, there are free slots no download. Slots like Wizard of Oz slots, and many more are available. You can also play through your smartphone with the app house of fun slots. True slots of Vegas can be reached through many online casinos, at anytime and anywhere.