Eleven days after the presidentials of November 19 last and after a process of internal discussion of each of its 14 parties and movements, the coalition of Chilean left Front Broad announced its stance on the second round of December 17 Next and, as was predictable, he avoided directly supporting Alejandro Guillier, the candidate of the official left.
“We are neither we feel owners of the votes of the people and that is why our first call is to each one of our voters to reflect and express themselves in the ballot box in this second round according to their own convictions and analysis,” says the public statement that F UE read by Beatriz Sánchez, the candidate who obtained 20.27% of support, his The heels to Guillier, which reached 22.7%.
In a text where the flag-bearer of the new majority of Michelle Bachelet is not named in any occasion, the broad front points out, however, that it does not give them the same who governs and who know that “Sebastián Piñera represents a setback, more inequality and exclusion” , fewer rights, fewer liberties, in a sense absolutely contrary to the demands that day by day “listen in the street.
With a third surprise place in the presidential and with 20 deputies and a senator elected in the parliamentary, the Broad front was in a privileged position to be able to tilt the balance in the second round.
Guillier needs to capture as many of the 1,336,824 votes as this leftist coalition has reached among its leading leaders the 2011 student Revolution’s exheaders, such as the deputies Giorgio Jackson and Gabriel Boric. But although some of his figures have made explicit that they will vote for Guillier to avoid Piñera’s triumph, the lukewarm official support of the broad front complicates the way for Officialism in an election against the right that is narrowly forecast.
Since the elections so far, Guillier and his sector had sent some signs to the broad front. In the programmatic field, the candidate had been open to consider some proposals of the left-wing coalition born last February, such as forgiving the debt contracted by students with the banks to be able to study, focusing the benefit on 40% of More poverty. But as Sanchez said this afternoon, the officialism has been “ambiguous”.
“Citizens need more clarity from the new majority as to whether AFP will be eliminated — the private pension system,” will ensure quality education without debt or profit and will effectively democratize the country with Constituent Assembly and justice Tax, “the statement says.
The decision of the broad front represents a failure for those sectors that aspired inside and outside the bloc to begin the reconstruction of a left and progressive option in Chile in this period.