The Bali International Airport has reopened this Wednesday after a close of almost three days, as reported by the airport authorities, because the ashes of the Agung volcano have moved away from the transport centre. “Airspace will be re-opened” at 15.00, has secured the spokesman of the airport Bali Ngurah Rai, Arie Ahsanurrohim to the Agence France Presse. But “we will constantly monitor the situation on the ground,” he added.
Since last week a dense column of ash and smoke have been propelled by the mountain, which has forced to cancel hundreds of flights and has left trapped about 120,000 tourists.
Tens of thousands of people have left their homes in the vicinity of the volcano, which erupted for the last time in 1963, leaving then 1,600 dead. The authorities have reported their plans to evacuate 100,000 inhabitants.