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A 62-year-old woman has been rescued by the Malaga firefighters after being trapped by the couch in her bedroom bed. The event occurred this Monday at noon in a house in the populous neighborhood of the border, according to sources of this security body. One of the victim’s arms was caught when he manipulated the drawer to store clothes and the mattress fell on the base.
The woman, who was at that time alone at home, was able to tell the emergency services because she reached the mobile phone with the other hand. The firefighters accessed the house, located on the second floor of a building in the Calle Ronda Leonardo in the barrio Malaga, through a staircase.
Once inside the house, the nurse of the medical unit of the firefighters and troops of the 061 was helped. Firefighters also dismantled the hinges of the canapĂ© to save the arm, a delicate operation in the face of the “risk” of limb amputation. The woman’s arm, after the rescue, was numb and “cyanotic” (bluish colored) by the lack of blood supply. In the end, as the firefighters have highlighted, everything was in a fright.