The PSC candidate, Miquel Iceta, is committed to facilitating governance in Catalonia and not blocking the formation of an executive, given the difficulties presented by the Constitutionalist bloc to reach an agreement for cross vetoes. At an informative breakfast in Madrid, Iceta has acquired this commitment: “As far as I’m concerned, there will be no repetition of elections,” said the first secretary of the Catalan socialists, who has opened the door even to support another president Constitutionalist. The leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, has demanded for his part Mariano Rajoy to clarify his commitment to reform the Constitution. “I ask you to clarify the doubts, to comply with your word,” the Secretary general claimed.
60% of the PSC voters want an agreement of their party with the PP and citizens, according to a survey of Metroscopia for the country, but Iceta proposes another “much better” formula, a government that he presides in solitary with parliamentary supports. No polls, he recalled, has so far given absolute majority to the sum of citizens, PSC and PP. The PSC candidate wants to be the “Constitutionalist” president but for the first time he has left the door open to support others. “The only constitutionalist president can be me, I think …” “I’m willing to contemplate other possibilities, but having such a good one …”, has ironizado.

More information 60% of the PSC voters want a accordance With citizens and PP Iceta has reiterated its commitment, on the other hand, that with the votes of the PSC “is not going to leave invested any candidate Inde” Pendentista “.
He accompanied the PSC leader at his conference in Madrid, the general secretary of the PSOE and much of the socialist dome. Pedro Sánchez has used to claim Mariano Rajoy to clarify whether he will fulfill his commitment to open the reform of the Constitution, after the PP and the government have cooled the expectations of the Territorial Commission incorporated in the Congress. “Mr. Rajoy, you promised me to open the padlock of the great reforms that this country needs,” the leader of the PSOE has been directed to the President. “I ask you to clarify the doubts, to abide by your word.” It is not due to me, but to the whole of the Spaniards, ‘ said Sánchez. The president replied shortly thereafter from another informative breakfast in Madrid. “I fulfill my commitments.”