A fire razed this Sunday with a mural of 2,000 years and much of the vestiges of an archaeological complex in northern Peru, in the Department of Lambayeque, reported the director of the Royal Tombs of Sipan Museum, Walter Alva. “I have received the lamentable and tragic news of a fire that has destroyed the archeological monument of Hurricane,” Alva said in a statement.
The archaeological site of Hurricane is considered the primordial architectural expression of northern Peru, which housed, according to the archaeologist, “the oldest mural painting in America”.
The fire, which began in the afternoon, razed with ceramic vessels, murals of more than 2,000 years of antiquity and documentary information of the archaeological complex hurricane in Pomalca, in the Lambayeque region, according to images of television.
The fire would have been initiated by a group of workers of the agro-industrial company Pomalca, who burned a field of sugarcane. “We are losing an exceptional and unique monument in its genre.” I wish to investigate and establish responsibilities. “I can only express my indignation and sadness at this irreparable loss,” Alva said.
The firemen assured that the incident is controlled by 95%. The public prosecutor’s office moves to the area and evaluates the responsibility of the managers of the company Pomalca. The Ministry of Culture condemned in a statement any act that violates Cultural heritage and requested the prosecution to initiate investigations into the fire. He also confirmed that technical personnel specializing in conservation of monuments moved to Hurricane to evaluate the damage of the fire.
The archeological site of Hurricane is a 4,500 year old temple located on the west side of the foothills of the same name hill and features mural paintings.