If you are not careful, nowadays you run the risk of being buried by the series. There is so much to choose from, so much to see, so many recommendations that follow of so many people that tells you you have to see this or that … And for the time being, the days are still 24 hours. It’s an uncovered world. And not just the amount of television fiction that is produced in the world; You can’t even get to everyone who opens in Spain. The peak TV, this era in which it produces more series than ever, forces to be selective and more demanding than ever.
So, no one can be surprised that the third season of Mr. Robot, which started a month ago, has gone so unnoticed. After the surprise that was his first installment, the second failed to meet expectations with a plot that took too long to start and left on the road many followers. In my case, I have not yet managed to go beyond the first chapter of the third season. There are so many other more entertaining possibilities, so many new things to prove, that Mr. Robot is finished staying in the drawer of the series earrings, those that accumulate chapters and chapters and layers of dust until maybe one day fall fruit of a marathon Seriéfilo Crazy and desperate. Or not.

In the same drawer are two other series that I started with desire. A Tin Star, thriller starring Tim Roth, I gave him the benefit of the doubt after a decent pilot chapter that raises the personal drama facing a British policeman recently arrived in a Canadian town with his family and the local confrontation in which he will see in Merso. But two chapters later, the story had not torn and did not give what he had promised. The mere presence of Tim Roth and beautiful scenery is not enough reason to follow. to the drawer. Something very similar happens with absentia, the new series by Stana Katic. With a slow pace and a much darker and more serious tone than Castle, the fiction that gave fame to the actress, the story of that FBI agent who reappears after years given for dead and without remembering what has happened at that time was not able to interest. Nor did it motivate to follow that the spectator could not feel the slightest interest in any of the characters surrounding the protagonist.
Many more will be falling in that drawer that I command series that I do not want to dismiss at all for some strange motive. The reality is that sending them to the box is practically death sentence for me, I have about 25 series — without exaggeration — waiting. But who knows, miracles happen.