American goalkeeper Hope Solo accused FIFA Former president Joseph Blatter of having sexually abused her during the 2013 Gold Ball ceremony, where he secured his butt.

In an interview released today by the Portuguese weekly Expresso, the historic U.S. women’s national team said that Blatter touched her butt before going on stage to deliver a prize. I felt my butt. It was in the delivery of the Golden Ball a few years ago, just before going up on stage. “It is something that has vulgarizado,” he said alone, adding that after the incident he did not see him again and he could not tell him not to touch it again.
Contacted by Expresso, Blatter spokesman said the footballer’s accusation is “ridiculous.” In the interview, Solo said that he is “very disappointed with women who did not speak about this in the world of sport”, as some of the people who have committed these abuses “still work in football.”
“It is important that we understand that this does not happen only with powerful white men.” It can happen to anyone, between women, anywhere. We’re focused on powerful white men because it’s probably more normal with them, but it can happen anywhere, “he said.