No man or woman. The German constitutional Court has opened the way to register babies with a gender other than men or women. The Germans who wish to do so may register, according to the opinion of the Karlsruhe court as “Inter”, “diverse” or another term that describes their sexual identity. The Constitutional Court sets the ceiling for the end of 2018 for legislators to pass a law allowing this type of registration in the civil registry.
From 2013, Germany allows you to leave the Register’s binary box blank, but today’s resolution represents an advance for the collectives defending other sexual identities, passing from the omission to the registration of a third option. The constitutional considers the current exclusion of a third sex discriminatory.
The German court explains in a statement that the Constitution “also protects the gender identity of those who cannot be classified as” man “or woman permanently.” And it argues that sexual identity is a fundamental part of the personality of individuals that must be protected.
The resolution was born out of a lawsuit filed by a person who asked to delete his registration as a “woman” of the civil registry and replace it with one that said “inter/diverse” or only “diverse”. The plaintiff presented chromosomal analyses to show that it belongs to a third genus other than male or female. The lawsuit had been rejected so far in various courts, but now the constitutional contradicts the lower instances.
“We are overwhelmed and speechless.” “We are on the verge of a small revolution,” estimated on Twitter Dritte Option, the German organization struggling in the courts to end the binary sex assignment.