The surprise came from the other side. The publication of the latest secret papers on the assassination of John F. Kennedy has brought to light a sordid report designed to tarnish the name of Martin Luther King. The paper is dated March 12, 1968, three weeks before the death of the great Leader of civil rights and Nobel Peace Prize.
Although he is now considered one of the great heroes of the history of the United States, in his time was objective of an obsessive follow up of the FBI. Under the effects of the Cold War, the agency saw in the Reverend King and his commitment to civil disobedience, the rights of blacks and his opposition to Vietnam, a first-order destabilizing element. It was under this perspective that the report was written on. of 20 pages and elaborated from anonymous sources, accuses the Christian organization of King, of being a cover to divert taxes, full of communists.
Also, as usual at the time the FBI was in charge of the dark John Edgar Hoover, he dedicates a substantial space to the story of King’s alleged sexual escapades. Binge, hiring of prostitutes, hints of homosexuality, “aberrations and unnatural acts” parade without evidence by the pages in a clear attempt to glory the black leader, which is attributed a flowering tree of lovers, among them the singer folk Joan Báez.
All this etching has led leading specialists to consider the document as a Hoover howitzer against someone he considered a danger. “It was just about damaging his reputation,” said Clayborne Carson, Stanford professor and director of the Martin Luther King Research institute last night.
One aspect not clarified by National Archives is why a report on Martin Luther King is contained in the documents on Kennedy’s 1963 assassination. One possibility is the authorities ‘ own desire to hide it in public light because of their ability to detonate protests, especially after King’s crime.