The shadow of the Russian plot chases Donald Trump. Although the investigations have not yet shown that their campaign team was coordinated with the Kremlin, a poll this summer conducted by ABC and the Washington Post holds that 40% of Americans believe it was. The indignation of many by this tumultuous possibility was evident this Tuesday when a man threw small Russian flags to pass the president at his entry into Congress, at: “Trump is a traitor.”

Video of the incident PIC.TWITTER.COM/MTPQFTC7BV — Andrew desiderary (@desiderioDC) October 24, 2017 The incident occurred when the President entered the Capitol for lunch with the Republican senators. Accompanied by the majority leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, Trump kept his smile frozen and passed long while numerous photographers and security guards turned to observe who had launched the flags. The demonstrator was identified as Ryan Clayton, a member of an activist group against Trump called “Americans Take Action” (Americans take action).
“This man stole an election, we shouldn’t be talking about fiscal reform but Trump’s betrayal,” Clayton shouted before he was arrested by Senate agents.
Since the inauguration, Trump has faced accusations linking him and members of his entourage to Russia. On the possibility of collusion with the Kremlin there are open investigations by intelligence services, both chambers of Congress and an investigation by an independent special prosecutor, Robert Mueller.