Twitter is committed to being more transparent with consumers. It does so before you have to reveal more data about the Russian plot that used social networks to interfere with the past elections. The network of Micromessages wants to avoid a harder regulation with the purchase of publicity, its only way of income. They prefer to give a sense of self-regulation to having to face stricter rules as several senators from both sides of the political arc ask.
Twitter has announced that it agrees to add which organization is behind the ads, the price and the duration of them. Users will find a label that allows access to this information.
“They will also be able to warn of inappropriate ads or give a negative opinion on the ads, as well as to know if a user is considered by the public advertiser objective of the same one and to avoid that it remains under that segmentation”, has clarified Bruce Falck, Responsible for Twitter advertising revenue, on his blog.
Senator Mark Warner has valued the measure as: “A first step.” “Online policy ads need more transparency.” Measures much closer to those they assume on television and radio but far from the freedom that has prevailed so far in the network.
Next week, Twitter, Google and Facebook will appear in Washington to clarify their involvement in the Russian plot. This voluntary Twitter step aims to mitigate the effect of the investigation. “We look forward to meeting members of Congress and key investors on these issues to go ahead with the process,” says the executive in writing.