The Portuguese Judicial police have recovered “practically all the material” stolen in June at the military base of Tancos, as police sources have confirmed to RTP. The war material was found in the town of Sears, 21 kilometres south of Tancos, the military base from which the material disappeared on June 28. The recovered weapons are 44 grenades and rocket launcher; We still need to find the ammunition.

More information empty garitas; Soldiers without ammunition Division It is among the military that the robbery occurred in facilities that did not have the minimum surveillance measures, the lack of cameras, surveillance Human Ncia and present the lattice numerous failures. The thieves, who entered with heavy vehicles in the installation, took advantage of the absence of rounds of vigilance.
Several military officers responsible for the guards were departed from their charges, albeit later spares in their positions. Given the failures of military security and crimes committed, the investigation was entrusted to the Judicial police, who has found the arsenal.
The robbery of the armament provoked the criticisms to the Minister of Defense, Azeredo Lopes, even petitions of resignation, more even when last month declared that there had been no robbery in Tancos, for bewilderment of all.