The editorial staff of Libération expressed, on Wednesday March 13, its support for the cartoonist Coco, survivor of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, after the torrent of insults and death threats to which she has been subjected since the publication, before -watch, in the daily newspaper, of a drawing on the famine in the Gaza Strip.

Titled “Ramadan in Gaza,” it depicts a starving man running behind rats amid ruins from which a corpse protrudes, while a woman slaps his hand and shouts “T-t-t, not before sunset!” “.

The drawing “underlines the despair of the Palestinians, denounces the famine in Gaza”, relentlessly bombed by the Israeli army, where the UN fears widespread famine, “and also mocks the absurdity of religion”, argued Coco , Tuesday, on X, where she published a “small anthology” of death threats and anti-Semitic messages received since its publication.

“Simply filthy.”

“You will not have our hatred but you deserve it,” La France insoumise (LFI) MP Sophia Chikirou, close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, commented on LFI MP, Sarah Legrain.

On the same network, an Internet user says to her, in English: “Run, run whore… You will be shot soon. The whole family dead. » “They should have liquidated you on January 7,” adds another, referring to the attack which decimated the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo in 2015. The designer has lived under close protection ever since.

“These attacks on our colleague must in no way be trivialized, and we assure her of our solidarity and support,” say the editorial management and the Society of Journalists and Staff of Libération, in a press release published Wednesday. The editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo also expressed their support.

“We condemn, we strongly denounce this wave of threats, insults and intimidation, some including death threats that we take very seriously,” had already declared to Agence France-Presse on Tuesday. (AFP) Dov Alfon, editorial director of Libération, which the cartoonist joined in 2021. “This violence must not be trivialized,” he added, without commenting on possible complaints.

The national secretary of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, also gave his “full support” to Coco sur X. “Forever by your side, and by Charlie’s side,” he added.