The Juvenile coordinating Unit of the Attorney-General’s office has referred to the provincial prosecutors of Catalonia for an instruction after learning that “minors in compulsory education” are applying for permission in their centres to “not attend Teaching activities in order to participate in rallies and rallies “convened in favour of the referendum on October 1.
The writing-signed by the Prosecutor of the Coordinator of minors, Javier Huete-refers to the prosecutors delegated minors of four Catalan provinces. He explains that the students are asking for permission not to attend the teaching activities and to participate in the concentrations. and asks them to require the Generalitat’s Ministry of Education to supervise the children who are going to these mobilizations.
The prosecutor warns that, whether or not there is parental authorization, that does not exempt the centers “from child custody obligations” in teaching hours. And that if the minors cause harm to themselves, to others or materials, the parents and schools are responsible for the civil acts of their actions.
Different associations of Catalan students have called for mobilizations in secondary and university from 28 of September and for three days. And there are centers that are reclaiming families to send authorizations for minors to be absent from school and to protest.