It’s only been met with 8% of what I promised two years ago. Finished this Tuesday the deadline agreed with Brussels, Spain has scarcely welcomed 1,279 refugees from the 15,888 who, in the midst of the Mediterranean crisis, committed to relocating from other countries of the European Union, such as Italy and Greece. An “insufficient” figure, as reported by various NGOs and opposition parties, who have loaded this Tuesday harshly against Mariano Rajoy’s executive and against the EU.
“0% Solidarity, 100% of non-compliance.” “Suspense to the government,” said the PSOE. “There has been a underground boycott of the PP to the quota agreement,” added Miguel Urbán, MEP of We can: “The deep political crisis that the EU lives, incapable of enforcing agreements” is again demonstrated.
“The government has not been proactive.” He said he couldn’t bring in any more refugees because they didn’t want to. But we know that there are asylum seekers in Italy ready to come to Spain, ‘ said Fernando Maura, Citizen parliamentarian, who has concluded: “He has been offered other Alternavias to the executive, but has not accepted.”
Despite the barrage of criticisms, the minister of the Interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido, has defended this Tuesday in the Senate the policy of asylum of the team of Rajoy: “Satisfied is not the government, but I can guarantee that it has put in place all the mechanisms that had foreseen” So that you could relocate and resettle all people. “But, because of others ‘ causes, it has been impossible to fulfil [with the commitment].”
“Ni 2,000 people” in 2015, Spain agreed in Brussels to relocate 15,888 Asylees already found in a Member State — although that number was subsequently reduced — and, at the same time, resettling other 1,449 from countries outside the EU. But, of the latter, only 704 have arrived. “In total, the government has not brought even 2,000 people.” A ridiculous figure compared to the nearly three million refugees hosting countries like Turkey and Jordan, Amnesty International denounced this Tuesday.
In these two years, the executive has been modulating his speech. First, he repeated insistently that he would fulfill his promise. Later, blamed the lack of arrival of asylees to the “limitations” of the system designed by the twenty-eight. And finally, on 12 July, when it was already taken for granted that it would not reach the quota assigned to it, Vice President Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría announced that Spain would make an “extra effort” and bring 500 refugees a month. Since then only 210 have arrived.