A school in the south of Mexico City has collapsed this Tuesday because of the 7.1 earthquake that has suffered central Mexico and has left dozens of children in the rubble. At least 21 children and four adults have died. There are also at least 30 missing from the collapse of primary Enrique Rebsamen, in the area of Coapa, to where the president of the country, Enrique Peña Nieto, and the head of government of Mexico City, Miguel Ángel Mancera, has been displaced. The quake has caused at least 210 deaths in different parts of the country.
A multitude of volunteers have moved to the place, in a show more of the solidarity that has flooded the capital this Tuesday. There are also some 500 members of the Army and the Marine Secretariat, as well as 200 Civil protection. Among the rescued, there are 13 children and five unidentified adults.
The authorities have requested more than 200 people to withdraw from the area to facilitate rescue efforts. In addition, they have requested that no more volunteers be made for the rescue, but materials to cut iron and concrete. The children have been transferred to the Naval Hospital and to the Angels.
Four students of the Tecnologico de Monterrey University, on their campus in Mexico City, have died and another 40 are injured, according to the university. Members of the Navy and other security forces perform rescue efforts in the buildings of the school.
More than 200 schools in Mexico City have been affected by the earthquake, 15 of them with severe damage. In the state of PUEBLA are 117 schools that have suffered the consequences of this earthquake.
The classes have been suspended from this Wednesday and until further notice in the states of Hidalgo, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Morelos, Puebla, Guerrero, Tlaxcala and Michoacán.