The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has assured that on 28-M “the country has the opportunity to begin to change and choose between leaders who are only interested in what happens in their party and those who put the interest of society first” . In an electoral act in Melilla, the popular leader has emphasized his objective of “repealing sanchismo” reversing all the “mistakes” committed in the last five years. Thus, he has set as one of the first goals of this plan “reform the crime of embezzlement to return to punish it as it deserves.” In short, raising the sentences that Sánchez lowered for the benefit of the independence movement, “as Europe demands.”

Feijóo has attacked “the weak government of Pedro Sánchez embarked on continuous internal troubles, as in Melilla” and has lamented that the Executive “presumes feminism despite the yes is yes law, of being a democrat when it deteriorates all State institutions ; to help the modest and middle classes despite the fact that so many taxes have never been paid in Spain; to create jobs, when one in four unemployed people in Europe is Spanish and Spain is the OECD country in which the most disposable income while supporting 1.5 trillion debt”. “The PSOE”, he added, “governs leaving everything to duty, leaving pufos everywhere”.

“The only thing missing,” Feijóo ironized, “is for Sánchez to boast of being humble, simple and traveling by urban bus.” He, for his part, has promised to “reorient” Spain towards a “safe destination” so that “minorities are not the ones who decide in a country to which they do not want to belong.”

“Spain needs a meeting point that transcends ideological approaches,” he stated, before emphasizing that “the majority fits in the PP, also those who voted for the PSOE and those who trusted Sánchez in good faith and those he betrayed and, In addition, all those who believed in the discourse of the new policy”.

“These are elections between the Sanchista party and the PP,” he said, before warning that “if Sánchez wins again then he would be endorsed to govern with Podemos and the independentistas”

Feijóo has assured that “Spain needs politicians who live for the country and not at the expense of the country.” And he has emphasized that it is at the polls when it can be said that “yes something happens” when the sentences of a thousand rapists are lowered, or when Europe amends the plan by reducing embezzlement, or when it is intended to buy without money to pay by indebting the whole country. “Repealing sanchismo”, he has stressed, “implies repealing all the mistakes that Sánchez has made in the last five years.”

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