The French Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin, one of the most controversial in the Government, has opened a diplomatic crisis with Italy, accusing the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, of being “incapable of fixing the problem with immigration” that this country. He says this on the same day that the Italian Foreign Minister was to travel to Paris to meet with his French counterpart. He has canceled his visit and has described these statements as unacceptable.

Darmanin, whom many consider an ultra for his controversial statements and one of the government’s most right-wing ministers, once again puts the Executive in a bind. “Madame Meloni, from the far-right government elected by friends of Madame Le Pen (Marine), is incapable of solving the country’s immigration problems, which is the reason she was elected,” he said in a radio interview. RCM.

Italy is experiencing an unprecedented migration crisis, after the arrival of thousands of immigrants on its shores, and a few weeks ago the Government declared a state of emergency for six months to try to deal with this problem. For Darmanin, who has extended his analysis on how the neighboring country manages its crises, “Meloni is like Le Pen, who was elected based on the “you will see” and what we see is that immigration does not stop and is amplified “.

Asked about the flows of immigrants that France also has, he was close to blaming the French problem on the neighbor, pointing out that “there are flows of immigrants, especially minors”, but that “they arrive from Tunisia through Italy and Italy is incapable of managing this migratory pressure”.

The first consequence is that the Italian Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, has canceled the visit he had planned to make this Thursday to Paris, to meet his French counterpart, Catherine Colonna. “I will not go to Paris,” Tajani said on Twitter, saying that “the offenses launched by M. Darmanin against the Italian Government are unacceptable. This is not the spirit in which we must face common European challenges.”

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has indicated in a statement that “relations between France and Italy are founded on mutual respect, between the two countries and their leaders.” He added that “it is also

in the spirit of solidarity that the French Government wishes to work with Italy to face the common challenge represented by the rapid increase in migratory flows”.

Darmanin is often accused of being racist, homophobic and openly flirting with the far right. He also accumulates several complaints for sexual harassment and rape. He is responsible for the immigration law that the Government had planned to debate in Parliament in the coming weeks, but which it has finally decided to put on hold, so as not to create more social fracture, after the approval of the pension reform.

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