The president of Castilla-La Mancha has once again attacked the reduction of sentences for the crime of embezzlement approved in the Congress of Deputies at the request of the Government of Pedro Sánchez. He does so after the European Commission proposed this Wednesday to toughen the sentences in these cases, whether or not there is profit.

“Beyond the technical detail, what seems important to me is that what the European Union is saying is that embezzlement is corruption. Therefore, right from the start, and this is to make you look at it, what occurred in Spain is a reduction of sentences for one of the types of corruption”, stressed Emiliano García-Page in an interview on Antena 3.

The socialist baron has always positioned himself with “clear clarity” -in his own words- against the reform of the Penal Code agreed upon by his own party with ERC. In a famous press conference last December, he went so far as to say that “it is not tolerable to agree to your own sentence with criminals”, that it would “upset” him if they took him “for a fool” and that it was something that hurt him “as a Spaniard and as a militant”.

“It exceeds any political limit and more than political,” he insisted this Thursday on the change that occurred within the framework of La Moncloa’s strategy to “defuse” the independence conflict in Catalonia. “It is something that, as he will understand, I am not willing to defend in any way,” he added.

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