Podemos leaves the PSOE alone and joins the criticism of the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, for his attitude in the celebration of Dos de Mayo. Ione Belarra reproaches him for not having “succeeded” in the way of managing the controversy, trying to force his presence in the rostrum of authorities at the institutional act of the Community of Madrid.

“I am surprised that the PSOE puts on a show with this issue when two weeks ago they were agreeing with them [the PP] the law of only yes is yes or when they have been allowed throughout the legislature to hijack the CGPJ and nothing has been done” , pointed out the Minister of Social Rights in an interview on TVE.

Belarra has regretted that the socialist sector of the Government “has bought the help of the day” and, with this, has contributed to making other much more important issues invisible at the gates of the regional and municipal election campaign, which are the ones that are truly worrying to the citizens.

Thus, the general secretary of Podemos has shown herself to be “concerned” by what Bolaños has done, since with this controversy she has allowed the president of the Community of Madrid to avoid important issues. “Having bought his controversy instead of talking about why Ayuso is not going to regulate rental prices if we have just approved a housing law that provides tools to control prices in a city like Madrid, why does he not respond to those affected by metro line 7-B, that houses are falling down; or why there are no pediatricians”, he has recriminated.

“Those are the questions and the issues that have to be confronted with Díaz Ayuso,” he concluded. In addition, he has stressed that just as the PP deploys its project “to the maximum of possibilities”, what the left has to do is “deploy” its own, which is nothing other than the “protection of the public”.

Belarra has indicated that “it is very wrong” and it is “serious” not to let a minister pass in an act of protocol, but once again he has stressed that “this is by no means the most important thing.” It is a reflection that he transferred to Bolaños himself on Wednesday, according to what he has revealed, to whom he made ugly that he had not been “right” in “how” he had “managed” this controversy.

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