Israel today killed three Palestinians in the city of Nablus, one of the strongholds of Palestinian armed resistance in the northern occupied West Bank, health authorities reported.

Israel’s internal security service said the dead were the suspected killers of a British-Israeli mother and her two daughters, shot dead in April in the occupied West Bank.

“The assassins of Léa, Maïa and Rina Dee on April 7 (…) were killed in exchanges of fire with Israeli security forces in Nablus,” the Shin Beth, Israel’s internal security service, said in a statement. He added that one of his accomplices was also killed during this operation.

For its part, the Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed the death of at least three people who died from bullet wounds.

The cities of Nablus and Jenin in the northern West Bank have been the main centers of tension in the midst of an escalation of violence in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that is the harshest since the Second Intifada (2000-2005), and has already resulted in 106 Palestinians killed so far in 2023.

The most recent violent outbreak was triggered last Tuesday after the death of Khader Adnan, a senior official of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement who had been on a hunger strike since February 5 in an Israeli prison.

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