Former US President Donald Trump, who arrived at Aberdeen airport on Monday to visit his golf courses in Scotland, said after landing that “it’s great to be home.” “It’s great to be home. This was my mother’s home,” Trump said after exiting his plane and getting into his waiting car. The former president’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, was born on the Isle of Lewis, in the Hebrides, and she lived there until she immigrated to the United States at the age of 18 in 1930.

The 76-year-old also a candidate for the 2024 elections arrived at Aberdeen airport around 11:30 a.m., where he was received by two bagpipers, a red carpet and a convoy of 10 vehicles, according to the Sky News channel. Trump is scheduled to head to his Menie Estate golf resort, which he opened in 2012, where he will open a second “spectacular” course, he wrote on his Truth social network.

After his visit to Scotland, on his first visit to the United Kingdom since 2019, Trump revealed that he will go to his Doonbeg golf course in Ireland. Despite the private nature of his trip, Trump insisted to Truth that his presidential campaign is continually on his mind, aiming for a victory that would make America. “bigger than ever”.

It is unknown how long Trump will stay in Scotland and whether he will also visit his golf course at Turnberry. Trump already spent two days at Turnberry Field while he was president, in 2018, when he met with Queen Elizabeth II and then-Prime Minister Theresa May.

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