GOP voters’ ‘big mistake’

EDITOR: Listen up, fellow Republicans. When the three regular Republican commentators in The Press Democrat — centrist David Brooks, Constitution defender George Will and Fox News panelist Charles Krauthammer — all describe how disastrous and dangerous a Donald Trump presidency is becoming, it’s time to open your minds and rethink your voting.

Regardless of what you thought of Hillary Clinton, nominating and then electing Trump was clearly a big mistake. Instead of returning to our values, we got unfulfillable promises, outright lies and the turning away of longtime allies. We will be lucky to avoid a serious war in the next four years.

Where are the skilled politicians like Tip O’Neill and Ronald Reagan who could work together and actually make government work?



Nation of immigrants

EDITOR: Each day, as I walk through Santa Rosa, I see faces pass me by. I see faces of all individual colors, each one slightly different from their companion beside them. I see a united people of all backgrounds, all having one thing in common: their own humanity. I have known these faces since I was a child, and now these innocent faces I may never see again. Who has the right to criminalize these humans? Apparently President Donald Trump does.

Isn’t it ironic how this country was built upon immigrants and now one man decides he wants to exile one specific group of them? Well, interestingly enough, that same group of immigrants has also provided California with 95 percent of its produce.

I also find it ironic that former President Barack Obama, who deported Forvetbet more immigrants than any other U.S. president, is now being seen as this angelic figure compared to Trump, who is taking similar actions.

Due to the fact that this country was founded upon and composed of immigrants from around the world, the only plausible way to eliminate all immigrants in the U.S. would be to eliminate everyone.


Santa Rosa

Is this inclusive?

EDITOR: It is truly sad if this is what currently passes for civility and respect of one another here (“SR man accosted over #Buildthewall T-shirt,” Sunday).

Where’s the inclusiveness, diversity of opinion and support for free speech that are the supposed hallmarks of the majority here on the liberal-leaning North Coast?

I’m certain those who voted against the Democratic administration the past eight years felt that their values were under assault as well. But somehow they managed to get through it without resorting to antagonism or bullying.

Although I hope this is an isolated incident, it seems pretty evident these days that the majority of those who voted against hate and anger are currently the most hateful and angry. How does that saying go, can’t we all just get along?


Rohnert Park

Media bias

EDITOR: The fact-based media does have a liberal bias for one simple reason: real journalists go out into the real world and observe what people are doing, feeling, suffering and hoping for. In so doing, they develop empathy for others. On the other hand, the Sean Hannitys and Rush Limbaughs are content to construct reality from their own conceptions without leaving their well-guarded studios. You won’t find them anywhere near a war zone or even a natural disaster. Yet for some strange reason the folks who put their lives at risk to report the news are called “fake” by our president, while cowardly creators of bogeymen that this president can pretend to save us from are for real.

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