Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne congratulated, Thursday, April 27, the initiatives taken in certain companies in favor of menstrual leave and assured that the government “looks at the device” to “facilitate this commitment”. The Carrefour group announced in mid-April that from the summer of 2023 its employees suffering from endometriosis will benefit from twelve days of authorized absence per year.

Asked about France 2 on a possible generalization of menstrual leave, like Spain, the head of government first insisted on the need to “pay attention to words” because “when you have women who all months suffer”, as in the case of endometriosis, “we are not talking about holidays”.

These women “must not resign themselves to having pain, you have to go see a doctor because it can be an illness” and “in this case, there are treatments and you can have work stoppages”, said she insisted. But “if the employer can organize itself to make life easier, that’s a good thing and we are looking at how we can encourage, actually facilitate the commitment of companies”, added Ms. Borne.

Preparation of a bill on the left

Going through the law? “We are looking at the device,” replied the Prime Minister. A few French employers already offer their employees the possibility of taking “leave of absence”.

Green and socialist deputies are preparing bills to try to create menstrual leave, a few months after the adoption of this device in Spain. “We will be able to decide” when the proposals have been submitted “and that we will have visibility on their content”, also explained to Agence France-Presse Isabelle Rome, the Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men. men.

In January, the government launched a national strategy to fight endometriosis, with a research program endowed with several million euros.