Kiko Hernández was moved in Sálvame on Wednesday, April 26. The collaborator could not contain his tears after naming Mila Ximénez, who will be the protagonist of a special installment with which the format will celebrate its 14 years on Telecinco.

“Tomorrow Jorge Javier Vázquez is going to sing with Mila Ximénez,” he announced. The presenter announced: “He is going to be very beautiful. Let people think of the song as being by a great artist from this country and Mila made it her own. We have made a very beautiful version.”

Both Hernández and Belén Esteban were visibly affected when they remembered their deceased partner. The driver of the format addressed him: “But my son, if you said that you were not going to cry and you start… How can we start like this?”

The Catalan proposed to him: “I’m going to give you the version. I want you to listen to it, that they put you without a voice and that the camera only captures the image.” The commentator went to the exit of the set to listen to the recording and ended up leaving. Viewers could see her turn her back to the camera and wipe away her tears.

A teammate gave him some handkerchiefs and Jorge Javier approached him. “Well, she’s already there. She misses her a lot,” said the collaborator. He also said that the version was very pretty, noting, “Also, he was delusional when they told him to sing that song…”.

Sálvame will celebrate its 14th anniversary on Thursday, April 27, with a special dedicated to Mila Ximénez that promises to be very emotional. A promo for it shows the four letters that make up her name along with four words: magic, irony, freedom and friendship.

A photo published on the Telecinco Instagram account on April 26 shows Adela González with many of the magazine’s collaborators. “This Thursday starting at 4:00 p.m. we have prepared a very special program where we pay tribute to Mila Ximénez,” the text indicates. The presenter commented: “It’s going to be a beautiful program!”.

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