The French Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, has unveiled this Wednesday the legislative roadmap of her Government for the coming months, in an attempt to reset and leave behind the crisis derived from the approval of the unpopular pension reform. This roadmap aims to “make the country move forward”, despite the fact that the Government does not have a majority in Parliament.

Borne has listed some measures, but he renounces, for the moment, getting into far-reaching debates. The sample is that he has decided to park the immigration law, one of the most important and sensitive that he had in place. It was presented months ago and in principle they wanted to approve it before the summer, although, due to the lack of support, it will be postponed until autumn. The government prefers “not to launch a debate that could divide the country now.” “We will present a text in the autumn,” Borne said at a press conference at the Élysée.

The pension law, which raises the retirement age to 64 and is opposed by almost the entire country and the parliamentary arc, has opened a crisis unprecedented in decades, with people taking to the streets for three months to protest , and has left the government very weak.

The president, Emmanuel Macron, wants to get out of this jam and commissioned Borne to draw up this guide to continue advancing, despite the fact that, at every move he or one of the ministers in his cabinet makes, they are booed and greeted with saucepans, and it is even about boycotting these acts.

Borne has revealed the measures and laws for the next 100 days, which is the term that Macron has given to reassure the country and reconnect. “We are entering a new phase of action”, said the Prime Minister, who added that this roadmap includes “concrete measures, actions to change the lives of citizens”.

Without a majority in the Assembly, the Government finds it difficult to carry out sensitive reforms, although Borne has relied on “the ability to find majorities project by project or by blocks of texts.” “My will is, on each of the texts, to seek majorities,” she said.

In the seats, he only has, in principle, the support of the conservative Republican party, although not even this support is clear, as was verified when the time to vote on the pension reform approached. Macron decided to carry it out by decree, through article 49.3 of the Constitution that allows a law to be approved without going through Parliament, given the doubts of having the support of this group.

Despite the fact that, taking into account the social and political climate derived from the approval of the pension reform, it will be more difficult to find support in the seats, Borne has clarified that “the Government is going to continue advancing.” The Head of Government has listed the three pillars of this package, with measures of a social nature, ecological transition and progress. She has advanced several laws that will be presented between May and June, such as a green industry project and another for full employment.

In addition, it has announced that it will deploy more than a hundred police officers on the border with Italy to contain the migration crisis next week, as well as measures to strengthen public services, especially hospitals, and other initiatives to “improve the lives of citizens” , as a project for companies to share part of their profits with workers.

“This roadmap is a hand extended to all those of good will. We want to negotiate as much as possible in each project and achieve majorities with all those who wish to do so, even if we are not exactly on the same side,” he said.

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