Cuéntame cómo pasó will say goodbye with its 23rd season, which will have seven episodes and whose production was approved last February. RTVE has revealed how much the latest installments of the La 1 series will cost. It has done so through a response from Elena Sánchez, its interim president, to a parliamentary question from the Popular Party.

The final season of fiction will have a budget of 5,340,391.48 euros plus VAT. The cost of each episode amounts to 762,913.07 euros plus VAT. In addition, the public entity gave explanations about the price variation compared to previous batches, a matter for which they also asked: “They are not comparable.”

RTVE explained that other seasons of Cuéntame cómo pasó consisted of 18 episodes, “which caused certain fixed costs to be divided among more units.” He noted that a direct relationship between price and number of episodes cannot be established: “By producing fewer episodes, the total cost goes down, but the cost per chapter goes up.”

Elena Sánchez revealed that the target audience that RTVE has set for the end of Cuéntame cómo pasó is to reach a screen share of 10.5%. She also indicates that the cut ‘share’ or minimum screen share stands at 9%.

“When is this series scheduled to air?” is another of the PP parliamentary questions addressed to RTVE in relation to the last season of Cuéntame cómo pasó. The public entity did not answer this question. It seems that the filming has not yet begun, since the Twitter account of the fiction shared a photo of the first script reading on Wednesday, April 19.

The seven episodes of season 23 of Cuéntame cómo pasó will cover the period between 1994 and 2001. Each of them will be dedicated to a central character of the series: Mercedes (Ana Duato), Antonio (Imanol Arias), Inés (Irene Visedo ), Toni (Pablo Rivero), Carlos (Ricardo Gómez / Carlos Hipólito), María (Carmen Climent) and Herminia (María Galiana).

Jacobo Delgado, coordinator of the title’s script, stated that there will be seven installments “with a lot of crumbs”. He also said that this final stretch “will leave no question unanswered and will be ambitious in terms of plots and production values.”

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