Emergency services are at work early, Saturday March 9, in the center of Toulouse. They want to ensure that no victim is trapped in the rubble of a building which collapsed during the night from Friday to Saturday, but which had previously been emptied of its occupants, firefighters said.

Around fifty firefighters are on site, accompanied by dog ​​teams. They evacuated, during the night, twenty-three people living in adjoining buildings, the departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS) of Haute-Garonne told the press.

This three-story building on rue Saint-Rome, three blocks from the famous Toulouse Capitol, was evacuated on Tuesday following a first “collapse of an interior wall”, the SDIS then announced.

“Major crack”

After this immediate evacuation of residents, a “significant crack” was detected by “building risk specialists”, and it was initially planned that the building would benefit from shoring carried out by a private company, according to the same source. , Tuesday.

This busy commercial artery in downtown Toulouse has been cut off since Tuesday around the building in question, causing concern among traders.

The debris from the damaged building – rubble, metal pipes and personal effects – flowed into the adjacent street in a spectacular way, an Agence France-Presse photographer noted on site. Firefighters had to evacuate neighbors using ladders.

This collapse occurred while the Toulouse metropolitan area was mourned on Monday by the collapse of a viaduct under construction of the metro where a worker died and two others were seriously injured.