We open the closet and choose the t-shirt, shirt or any garment that we want to wear that day. However, as soon as we look a little at the clothes we are disappointed: a yellow stain has appeared on the fabric, almost always in the area of ​​the armpits, where the combination of sweat and deodorant does its tricks. The neck is also another area prone to these unwanted blotches. On other occasions, it is the humidity or poor storage of the garment that causes misfortune. Fortunately, there are several effective home tricks to eliminate these marks and not have to look like a disciple of coach Camacho.

Let’s see some methods to remove yellow sweat stains on clothes that use natural products found in any house.

A remedy from our grandmothers is hydrogen peroxide, a laundry bleach that removes yellow stains, even those that have been on the garment for a long time and especially if the stain has not acquired a very intense color.

Baking soda, the star product of home cleaning tricks, could not be missing. In this case, in addition, it is also effective in eliminating odors caused by yellow stains.

For not too stubborn stains, the action of baking soda alone is enough: take a container and mix two tablespoons of baking soda with a cup of warm water to create a paste. Then, with the help of a brush or a cloth, we apply the paste directly on the stain and rub. Now all that remains is to let the solution act for 15 minutes and, finally, put the garment in the washing machine with the usual washing cycle.

White vinegar is another effective and recommended solution for delicate garments. In addition to eliminating yellow stains, it eliminates bad odors and softens the fabric. The instructions could not be simpler: place the garment in a container with warm water and a generous stream of white vinegar and leave it to act for 20 minutes. Finally, put the clothes in the washing machine and let them out in the open air, better in the sun.

For frightening yellow sweat stains, you can do a combination of some products already explained.

Lemon is another natural bleach thanks to its acidity. On this occasion, we add the juice of two lemons to a liter of water in a pot (we can even leave the peel) and let it boil. Once removed from the heat, submerge the garment and let it act for between 60 and 90 minutes. To reinforce cleaning, we can add baking soda to the stain before putting the clothes in the washing machine.

The absorbent power of salt is another ally when it comes to removing yellow stains. Although it is enough to moisten with lukewarm water and add sodium chloride directly to the affected area, we will obtain better results if we combine it with vinegar. You have to mix a tablespoon of salt with four of vinegar and apply the solution directly on the stain. Next, we rub and let the products act for 30 or 60 minutes before putting the garment in the washing machine.

Acetylsalicylic acid, popularly known as aspirin, has proven effective in bleaching clothes. You just have to crush a couple of aspirins (in case they are not effervescent tablets) and dissolve them in hot water (250 ml). The following steps are: wet the stain, rub gently and leave it to act for 15 minutes. And all that remains is to remove the remains of the tablets and let them dry in the sun.

As mentioned at the beginning, sweat, and especially the combination with some deodorants and other cosmetic products, is the most common cause of the appearance of yellow stains on clothes. Also the humidity or the fact of not protecting the garment well in the closet can be the origin of this dirt. The saying “forewarned is worth two” is good for preventing clothes from acquiring that unwanted yellowish color, so here are a few tips for caring for our clothes:

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