The door to any negotiation on the nuclear disarmament of North Korea seems to be irremediably closed after the declarations, Friday, April 21, of Pyongyang.

North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui denounced an “extremely interventionist” statement by the G7, saying the world’s seven largest economic powers are “maliciously” attacking “the legitimate exercise sovereignty” of his country.

A few days ago, G7 foreign ministers urged North Korea to “refrain from any further destabilizing or provocative actions” and urged it to “complete, verifiable and irreversible abandonment of weapons nuclear”.

“A handful of selfish countries”

“The DPRK’s [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] position as a world-class nuclear power is final and irreversible,” Choe Son-hui replied, in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency.

For the minister, the “G7, a closed group of a handful of selfish countries, does not represent the international community [in a] fair way, but serves as a political tool to ensure the hegemony of the United States”.

Pyongyang has recently stepped up its ballistic missile tests and had already announced in 2022 that its status as a nuclear power was “irreversible”. For their part, Washington and Seoul have strengthened their military cooperation and multiplied large-scale joint maneuvers in the region, which has provoked the ire of the North, which considers these exercises as dress rehearsals for an invasion of its territory.